思想政治教育主要包括思想、政治教育、道德教育和法纪教育。道德在思想政治教育中发挥着独特的不可替代的作用。我们应充分认识思想政治教育中道德的力量 ,并在思想政治教育实践中充分发挥道德的作用 ,加强集体主义、爱国主义、共产主义理想的教育 ,使思想政治教育更有成效 。
The ideological and political education includes the educating of ideology,politics,morality and laws.The morality plays a special role in the ideological and political education.We should fully understand the moral power in the education and bring the moral power into full play.we should also strengthen the education of collectivism,patriotism and communism and make the idealogical and political education more efficient so as to promote the whold development of socialist successors.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi