加入WTO以后,规范化、市场化和国际化是提升我国证券业竞争力的必由之路,这对于制定和执行规则的政府管理者提出了更高水平和更为严格的要求。我国政府在市场角色方面具有多重性特点,既是监管者,又是发行人和投资者,还是父母官。这种状况导致政府对证券市场的影响被不断反复强化,使市场成为典型的“政策市”和“消息市”。 因此,目前的根本问题在于按照市场要求重新确定政府的位置和职能。应该强化政府作为证券市场监管者的角色和职能,逐步淡化其他角色及其职能,建立体现政企职能分开的现代监管制度。
After WTO accession, standardization, marketization and internationalization of the security market is the only route to improve the competition of our security industry and requires the government administrators to be qualified .Our government has multiplicity in the market, acting as supervisor, distributor, investor and father-mother official. This strengthens the influence of the government to security market and makes the market become typical 'policy market' and 'information market'. So the emergency is to reset the position and function of our government, strengthen its role and function of supervisor, weaken the other roles and functions and set up modern supervisory system of separating governmental functions and enterprise management.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)