通过对毛泽东、邓小平和江泽民的党建理论的初步探析 ,可以看到中共三代领导人的党建理论是一脉相承的 ,但又各具时代特色 :毛泽东着重从思想上建设党 ,邓小平突出从制度上建设党 ,江泽民提出“三个代表”
Through analysing the party building theory established by Mao Zedong,Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin we may find that in their theory of party building there is a general line with their own characteristics.Mao Zedogn put focus on party building in idealogy,Deng Xiaoping on party building in system and Jiang Zemin put forward the 'Three Represents' theory which shows the direction of party building in the new century.
Social Sciences Journal of Universities in Shanxi