“一国两制”构想是马列主义普遍原理和中国实际相结合的产物。它从实践中来 ,又到实践中去。当前 ,国内外形势发生了很大变化 ,按照“一国两制”构想来解决台湾问题 ,虽然面临着一些现实困难 ,但也初步具备了国际国内条件。我们应该坚定祖国和平统一的信心和决心 ,推进祖国统一大业早日完成。
The conception of 'one nation,two systems' is the natural result of the combination of the universal truth of Marxism and the reality in China.It is from practice and back to practice.Nowadays great changes have taken place both at home and abroad.There is an initial international and national requisite to solve Taiwan Problem in accordance with the conception of 'one nation,two systems',though still we are facing some real difficulties.We must strengthen our resolution and confidence to gain the peaceful unity of our homeland so as to promote the realization of the great union of China.
Journal of Shaoguan University