思想政治教育学基本范畴是思想政治教育学范畴体系的重要组成部分 ,本文认为思想政治教育学基本范畴的逻辑结构 ,是一个由相互联系、相互作用的 ,从简单到复杂、从抽象到具体的起点范畴、中心范畴、中介范畴、结果范畴和终点范畴构成的立体动态结构。它的构成要素是 :A.起点范畴 :思想与行为 :B.中心范畴 :教育主体与教育客体 ;C.中介范畴 :疏通与引导、言教与身教、物质鼓励与精神鼓励、教育与管理 ;D.结果范畴 :内化与外化 ;E.终点范畴 :个人与社会。
The basic categories in Ideological and Political Education constitute an important part of its category system. This article claims that these basic categories are of an interrelated and interactional dynamic logical structure, which is composed of such categories as starting point, center, medium, result and terminal. Its essential elements are:A) starting point: thought and behavior; B) center:educational subject and object; C) medium: mediation and guidance, teaching by personal example and by verbal instruction, material and spiritual encouragement, education and management; D) result:internalization and externalization; E) terminal: individual and society.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)