“淡化”理论开辟了对驰名商标保护的新途径。我国已有相关司法判例却无系统反淡化行为立法。本文以广义的淡化内涵为出发点 ,分析了淡化行为的经济社会后果 ,对其表征进行了法律界定 ;以国外、国际组织 (反 )淡化立法的新进展为基础 ,指出中国现行 (反 )淡化立法的漏洞与不足 ,并结合中国实际 ,提出了对淡化行为进行法律规制的具体途径。
The theory of dilution is a new way to protect the well known trademark. There are legal precedure but no systematical laws in our country. In this article the auther analyzes the influence of the dilution, inspects the laws of the west country and the defects of the chinese laws. At same time, the auther point out what are behaviors of dilution, and puts forward some specific ways to regulate the dilution.
Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)