系列数字接口的物理 /电气特性的规范 G.70 3建议 ,是数字通信中最常用的、也是最重要的标准之一 .自 1 972年发布以来 ,几经修改 .2 0 0 1年 1 0月在 ITU- T SG1 5 2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 4研究期的第二次全会上确定了最新的修改 .
Recommendation G.703 which is the physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces, It is very useful and important standard in digital communications. Since it was published in 1972, it is revised many times. The last revision is cosented in Oct.2001 at SG15 2nd plenary meeting of 2001 to 2004 study period. This paper introduces the main revised contents.
Study on Optical Communications