目的 本研究尝试着用横断法来验证国内众多学者所提出的“改革开放以来 ,人际交往的功利性与工具性在加强”这一观点 ,即考察不同年龄段的被调查者在私利至上与情义至上交往价值观上的差异。方法 为问卷调查法 ,横断法。结果 在私利至上交往价值观上 ,年龄与家庭经济因素共同起作用 ;其中 ,中年组自感入不敷出的比例最高 ,也最赞成功利性交往规则。在情义至上交往价值观上 ,年龄越大越赞成。结论 本研究的结果基本上支持了欲验证的观点。
Objectives To test the common viewpoint of many authors that the selfishness and instrumentalism of interpersonal interaction has become stronger and stronger since China's reform and open; that is ,to examine the age differences in the values of interpersonal interaction.Methods Questionnaire survey, cross-sectioinal research. Results (1). Respondents' age and family economic status affected in common their values of selfish interaction; Among the three age groups, the frequency of the middle age who reported their income was not enough for their expenditure was the highest, and the middle age were strongest for the rules of selfish interaction (2). The older the respondents the stronger they were for the rules of selfless interaction. Conclusions The present study basically supported the viewpoint to test.
Chinese Journal of Gerontology