本文通过问卷调查分析认为 :社区农户之间的相对地位呈正态分布是农村社会稳定 的基础 ,农村政策法规建设应注意维持农户相对收入结构的稳定以及防止过度的两极分 化 ;应努力降低农村政策法规的运行成本并使之与非正式制度相协调 ;必须坚持土地家庭 承包制长期不变 ,所有土地关系的调整都必须建立在农民自愿的基础上 ;大力发展普及初 等教育 ,这对提高农民法律素质等农村一切事业的发展至关重要。
The paper analyses the Peasant's Law Diathesis and Consciousness by the survey over seven hundred and forty-five peasants in Shanxi province. The paper proves that the normal distribution of relative income in rural area is the basis of social stability, and suggests that the policy and law should be focused on safeguarding the stability of relative income. The paper also shows how to reduce the enforcing costs of policy and law in rural areas and coordinate it with informal system, and argues that the regulation of land system must be based on the principle of voluntaries.
China Rural Survey