将 4 0 0羽 5 9周龄海兰褐壳蛋鸡随机分成实验组和对照组 ,每组 2 0 0羽 .实验组在千克基础日粮中添加Eggshell 4 91g,试验持续 70 d.结果表明 :实验组的不合格蛋率比对照组下降 1.3% ;实验组的蛋质量 (蛋壳厚度、蛋壳强度、哈氏单位、蛋密度 )、血 Zn、血 Mn和碱性磷酸酶活性均显著高于对照组 (p <0 .0 5 ) ;蛋的受精率、孵化率及血 Ca、血 P、蛋壳成分 (Ca、P、Zn、Mn)及蛋重 ,两组无显著差异 (p>0 .0 5 ) ;蛋壳结构电镜观察表明实验组蛋壳乳突较小、大小一致 ,乳突与壳膜连结紧密 ,壳膜纤维交织密度高 ,而对照组蛋壳乳突较大、大小不一致 ,乳突与壳膜连接不紧密 ,壳膜纤维交织密度稀 .可见 ,在产蛋后期日粮中添加具有生物活性的 Zn。
Four hundred and fifty nine weeks old Brown Hyline breeder laying hens were randomly divided into 2 groups, one of which, used for treated group, was fed the basal diet with the addition Eggshell 49 at the rate of 1 g per kg of feed, while the other served as control. The whole feeding trial lasted for 70 days. The results were as follows: (1) The total unqualified eggs in treated group were reduced by 1.3% compared with control. (2) Some main parameters of egg quality (including thickness of eggshell, strength of eggshell, Haugh units, gravity) and serum zinc, serum manganese as well as serum alkaline phosphatase activities of treated group were significantly higher than those in control. (3) There were no significant differences ( p <0.05) in egg fertility and hatchability, serum calcium,serum phosphorus and mineral contents (P, Mn, Zn) of eggshell between two groups. (4) Electron micrograph of eggshell and egg membrane showed that the papillform bodies in papillary stratum of eggshell in treated group were smaller, but uniform in size, and attached more closely to shell membrane and the fibres in shell membrane were densely fabricated, while the papiliform bodies in control looked larger, varied in size and loosely attached to shell membrane. These results indicated that the dietary inclusion of 'Eggshell 49' in laying hens during their later egg production period could really improve eggshell qualities to a certain extent.
Journal of Fujian Agricultural University