天山山区得天独厚的自然条件孕育了丰富的药用植物资源。加上多民族聚居、三大医药体系交融等人文条件 ,使这些药用植物长期以来在当地居民与疾病作斗争中发挥了重要作用。据估算 ,整个天山山区有药用植物2 0 0多种 ,依功能、疗效可分为 16类。在对这些资源的开发、利用与保护上 ,仍存在众多的问题。本文对存在的问题予以分析并提出了相应的对策 :指导思想上 ,阐述了利用与保护的关系 ;利用方面 ,提出了加速升值研究 ;保护方面 ,提出了变消极保护为积极保护。
The favorable natural and social conditions have brought up abundant resources of medical plants in the Tianshan Mountains Area, China. This area is a region where many nationalities such as Uygue nationality, Han nationality, Mongolia nationality, Hui nationality, Kazak nationality and so on live in compact communities from ancient time. The Ugur medicine, Mongolia medicine and traditional Chinese medicine are overlapped there. All these conditions make these medical plants playing a important role in the people struggling against disease in this area. There are about more than 200 species medical plants there and according to their functions these plants can be classified into 16 classifications. There are some serious problems about the protection and utilization of these resources. In this paper, these problems are analyzed and the countermeasures are put forward, for example: about the aim, the relationship between protection and utilization has been clarified; about the utilization, the research of appreciation has been put forward; about the protection, the point of view that transforming the negative protection into the positive protection has been put forward.
Arid Zone Research
Tianshan Mountains Area, medical plant, resources, protection, utilization.