以 1998~ 1999年毕节地区杂交玉米坡地组区试结果为材料 ,采用灰色关联度分析方法 ,研究了玉米 19个主要性状与产量的关系。结果表明 :黔西北山区旱坡地玉米的理想性状是生育期适中 ,全生育期 130~ 15 0d ,营养生长期相对较长 ,灌浆速度快 ,抽雄吐丝期短。果穗粗、粒大而深 ,千粒重高 ,硬粒或半硬粒 ,果穗较长 ,轴细 ,行粒数较多 ,秃顶小 ;株高、穗位适中 ,株型紧凑 ,茎秆粗壮坚韧 ,抗倒伏 ,抗纹枯病 ,丝黑穗病 ,大。
To study the relation between 19 main characters and maize yield. The data from the hybrid maize test in the sloping land in Bijie from 1998 to 1999 were analyzed. The results showed the best suitable growth period was about 130-150d, the period of vegetative growth was relative longer, the filling period and heading period was short, maize ear was big and long, the seeds was big and hard or semi-hard seed and thousand kernel weight was high. The number of seeds in a row was big, fertility at spike tip was good, plant height and spike's space was moderate and plant type was compact.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences