对冀南地区162个小麦品种(系)的抽穗期与千粒重试验分析表明:小麦抽穗主要在4月21日前,4月19日、20日抽穗数量占50.1%;千粒重主要在35.0~44.9 g范围内,占品种总数的67.3%;随着抽穗时间的推迟,千粒重呈下降趋势,r=-0.9321**.
The heading stage and 1000 kernels weight of 162 wheat culnvars (varieties)were studied. The results indicated that the majority of wheat cultivars(varieties) had headed before April 21th, and 50. 1 percent of all had headed from April 19th to 20th; 1000 kernels weight of 63.7 percent of wheat cultivars(varieties)was 35.0~44.9 g.Along with the delay of heading stage,1000 kernels weight decrease,r=-0.9321.
Journal of Hebei Agricultural Sciences