首次以结实强度为指标 ,评价杉木种子园无性系的结实能力 ,以利提高无性系再选择的准确性。研究结果杉木无性系结实强度具较高的重复力系数 ,单株为 0 .2 5 0~ 0 .4 77,无性系为 0 .5 0 0~ 0 .73 3 ,为中等遗传控制。无性系间 CV3 6.3 3 %~ 12 1.81% ,无性系内分株间为 2 7.2 7%~ 62 .73 % ,系间变异大于系内变异。可提高无性系结实能力评价精度和无性系再选择的可靠性。
The reproduction intensity (RI) was firistly introduced to evaluate the reproduction ability of seed gardens of Chinese fir's clones.The results showed that the RI of Chinese fir's clone had a comparatively high repetition coefficient 0.250~0.477 for a single plant and 0.500~0.733 for an asexual clone,belonging to medium genetic control.The CVs between asexual clones(36.33%~121.81%)were larger than those between plants(27.27%~62.73%)within the clone Using RI can increase the precision in evaluating reproduction ability of asexual clones and the dependence of reselection for asexual clones.
Jiangxi Forestry Science and Technology
"九五"攻关项目"杉木多世代遗传改良及建筑材优良无性系选育"子专题部分内容(项目编号 :95 -0 1-18-0 1)