目的 :观察胃动素 (MTL )在实验性脑出血脑 -胃肠综合征发生、发展过程中介导的胃肠局部运动损伤机制 ,为从胃肠局部运动调控的角度防治脑 -胃肠综合征的发生提供实验理论依据。方法 :建立实验性脑出血大鼠动物模型 ,应用放射免疫分析测定 MTL在胃肠局部组织中的含量变化。结果 :脑出血过程中胃肠局部组织中 NTL的含量明显升高 ,并与脑出血血肿量同步达高峰。结论 :脑出血出血量的高峰期 ,胃肠局部 MTL的代谢紊乱 ,通过运动损伤作用导致脑
Qbjective: To prevent cerebrogastroenteral syndrome through the regulation of local gastroenteral motor following experimintal cerebral hemorrhage, MTL mediating gastroenteral motor disordes was observed in the developmint of cerebrogastrenteral syndrome. Methods: Using rat experimental intracerebral hemorrhage model, the content of MTL was assayed by radioimmunoassay in gastroenteral tissues. Results: The content of MTL in gastroenteral tissue was increasced, peaked at the maxiumal hematona. Conclusion: During the peak of cerebral hemorrhage, the emtabilism disturbing of MTL in gastroenteral tissue developed cerebrogastrenteral syndrome by gastro motor disorder.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases