目的:研究EB病毒LMP1基因与肺癌的关系,并对其变异株进行分析。方法:应用多聚酶链反应检测了40例肺癌EBV-LMP1基因片段,并对其进行克隆及测序分析。结果:40例肺癌标本中,11例(27.5%)阳性;对11例EBV-LMP1 DNA阳性产物用限制性内切酶StyⅠ酶切消化,发现9例与标准病毒完全一致,2例不同,提示EBV-LMP1基因有变异存在。结论:EB病毒的感染及LMP1基因片段的变异在肺癌的发生、发展中可能发挥着一定的作用。
ve To study the relationship between EB virus LMP1 fragment and pulmonary carcinoma and assess the significance of the mutation. Methods EBV- LMPl fragments were amplified in 40 cases of pulmonary carcinoma by PCR and then cloned and sequenced. Results In 40 cases of pulmonary carcinoma, 11 cases (27. 5%) were positive. These 11 cases of positive products were then analyzed with restrictive enzyme sty I . Among them, 9 cases were the same with standard EBV DNA.and the other 2 cases existed mutation. Conclusion The EBV infection and the mutation of LMP1 fragment may play an important role in the genesis and development of pulmonary carcinoma.
Henan Journal of Diagnosis and Therapy