
新正天丸对偏头痛患者血单胺类递质的影响 被引量:5

The Effect of Xin Zhengtian Pill on the Levels of Blood Monoamine Transmitters in Migraineurs
摘要 目的:通过观察新正天丸(XZTW)对偏头痛患者血浆、血小板5-羟色胺(5-HT)、5-羟吲哚乙酸(5-HIAA)、多巴胺(DA)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)的影响,探讨XZTW治疗偏头痛的机制。方法:用荧光分光光度法检测47例偏头痛患者(发作期组21例、间歇期组26例)和23例正常人血浆及血小板5-HT、5-HIAA、DA、NE含量。结果:偏头痛发作期组血浆5-HT含量低于对照组,5-HIAA高于对照组,间歇期组5-HT高于发作期组,5-HIAA含量低于发作期组,其中发作期组、间歇期组血浆DA、NE含量均低于对照组,经XZTW治疗后血浆5-HT、5-HIAA、DA和NE均与治疗前有显著性差异;发作期组血小板5-HT高于对照组,而5-HIAA、DA均低于对照组,间歇期组仅DA高于对照组,经XZTW治疗后血小板5-HT、5-HIAA、DA和NE含量均与治疗前有显著性差异。结论:单胺类递质在偏头痛的病理过程可能有重要意义,而XZTW可以调节偏头痛患者外周单胺类递质水平。 Objective:To observe the changes of monoamine transmitters of the plasma and platelet in migraineurs during the ictally,interictally and after Xin Zhengtian Pill(XZTW) therapy. Research the therapeutic mechanism of XZTP in migraineurs. Method:Measure on the 5-HT, 5-HIAA, DA and NE in plasma and platelet of migraineurs during the ictally,interictally (21 patients in ictally and 26 patients in interictally) and compared with the same parameters in 23 age-matched control group by fluorescence spectrophotometry. Results:The levels of plasma 5-HT in the ictally group were lower than those of the control group,5-HIAA in the ictally group higher than those of the control group. As compared with the interictally group the levels of plasma 5-HT were lower and 5-HIAA were higher in the ictally group. The result showed that a reduced responsiveness to plasma DA and NE in the ictally and interictally groups compared with the control group. The monoamine transmitters of plasma in migraineurs were markedly changed after XZTW therapy(P<0.01). As compared with the control group the levels of platelet 5-HT were markedly higher in the ictally group. However,the levels of platelet 5-HIAA and DA in the ictally group lower than those of the control group. The levels of platelet DA in the interictally group higher and in the ictally group lower than those of the control group. The monoamine transmitters of platelet in migraineurs were markedly changed after XZTW therapy. Conclusion:These results revealed that the changes of the levels of monoamine transmitters in migraineurs plasma and platelet might act basis roles for the developing the migraine. XZTW can regulate those transmitters in the plasma and platelet of migraineurs.
作者 苏帆 朱成全
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2001年第12期51-53,共3页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 偏头痛 5-羟色胺 5-羟吲哚乙酸 多巴胺 去甲肾上腺素 新正天丸 中医药疗法 Migraine 5-Hydroxyptamine 5-Hydroxyindolecetic Dopamine Noradrenalin
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