目的 :研究静脉滴注左旋精氨酸 (L -arg)对高原肺水肿的治疗价值 ;方法 :75例高原肺水肿患者随机分为 3组 ,硝苯吡啶组 ( 2 4例 ) ,口服硝苯吡啶、吸氧、静脉注射速尿、氨茶碱和地塞米松治疗 ;一氧化氮 (NO)组 ( 2 5例 ) ,在硝苯吡啶治疗的基础上一次性吸入 1 0 ppmNO3 0分钟 ;精氨酸组 ( 2 6例 ) ,在硝苯吡啶治疗的基础上 ,以L -arg 2 0 g加入 5%葡萄糖溶液 50 0ml,一次性 4h静脉滴注 ,比较各组病例肺部罗音、X线胸片阴影消失时间及病程长短 ;结果 :精氨酸组肺部湿性罗音消失时间较NO组长 ,较硝苯吡啶组短 ,差异显著 (P <0 .0 5) ;精氨酸组肺部X线阴影消失时间及病程时间较NO组长 ,较硝苯吡啶组短 ,差异非常显著 (P <0 .0 1或P <0 .0 0 1 ) ;结论 :静脉滴注L
Objective:To study the therapeutic effects of L-arginine on HAPE by intravenous drip.Method:75 cases (male adults)with HAPE were randomly divided into Nifedipine group(25 cases),received oral nifedipine 10mg(tid) and lung convention;No group (24 cases),treated with NO(10ppm) inhalation for 30min associated with oral nifdipine;and L-arginine group(26 cases),intravenous dirpt 5% injectio glucose 500ml and L-arginine 20g.The changes of lung rales and shadow on chest film and the course of disease were comparative observed.Result:Lung rale diappeared slowly in L-arg group compared with NO group but diasppeared quickly compared with Nifedipine group,as same as the shadeow on chest film.Conclusion:There was a better therapeutic effect in treatment of HAPE using a L-arginine by intravenous perfusion.
Journal of High Altitude Medicine