浓缩风能型风力发电机是 1种新型风力发电机 ,它可将稀薄的风能浓缩后驱动叶轮旋转发电 ,具有起动风速低、发电量大、噪音低、安全性高、寿命长、度电成本低等特点。为了使此类型机在岛国和沿海地区安全地应用 ,需要研制具有抗台风性能的新型塔架。本文采用了大量的实验数据 ,根据有关理论 ,对两种新型塔架进行了设计研究。
The concentrated Wind energy turbine is a new type wind turbine which utilizes the rare wind energy after having concentrated it. This model of turbine set has been proved to possess following advantages that the wind speed required for start is low, the output power and annual power generation are great, the safety is high, the noise is low and the power cost has decreased. In order that this type of turbine set can safely be used in the island and seaside area, we need to research and manufacture a new type of tower stand which can withstand typhoon. A great number of testing data is quoted in the article. Based on the relative theory, designing and researching two new types of tower stand.
Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University(Natural Science Edition)