七、八十年代装机使用的机载电子设备 ,由于历史原因 ,普遍存在故障率高、可靠性低的问题 ,但又是现役飞机不可缺少的。如何尽快提高这些机载设备的使用可靠性 ,是军方和承制方面临的重大问题。通过某型机载短波单边带电台利用现代先进技术 ,对其进行改进改型 ,达到提高设备的先进性和可靠性的目的 ,阐述了使用阶段可靠性增长的技术途径和方法。
The airborne electronics fielded in 1970s and 1980s are generally faced with the problems of high failwre rate and low reliability But they are indispensable for the service planes It is necessovry for the military and contractors to inprove these eqnipments relability In this paper,the reliability improvement of an airborne shortwave radio coas introduced,and the reliabililty growth techniques dwoing usage stage were discussed based on the example
Electronic Product Reliability and Environmental Testing