介绍了一个基于图形用户界面使用 VC++开发的软件工具 ,该工具在故障计算时 ,可辅助电力部门继电保护人员更好地进行电力系统短路电流计算分析序网图和计算序网电流的结果。本软件有三个主要功能 :1用来设计电力网络单线图 ;2演示同一网络对应的正序、负序和零序网络图 ;3根据故障类型和地点来演示每一个序网图的电流流通路径。
A windows based Graphical User Interface (GUI) software tool to facilitate the calculating and analyzing of sequence networks is described in this paper. This software is written in Microsoft Visual C++. The software provides a friendly and easy to use tool to aid the staff in better analyzing the effects of the sequence diagram and sequence current in the fault calculation. This tool has three main modules: ① a user designed one line diagram, ② displaying the corresponding positive sequence, negative sequence, zero sequence diagrams, ③ displaying the path of the current in each sequence diagram, according to the type and location of the fault.
Water Resources and Power