主要介绍在自行研制的神箭SJ 1 0 0并行计算机机群上建立的实时区域数值天气预报系统。该系统通过国家气象卫星通信网络获取地面、高空气象探测资料和国家气象中心T1 0 6数值天气预报产品资料 ,并引入北半球海温格点场资料和当地地面观测资料 ;运用美国MM 5模式 ,建立了三重套网格 ,最高水平分辨率为 1 5km的业务预报模式 ,并于 2 0 0 1年 1月开始投入业务化试用。试验表明 :该系统具有较强的短期天气预报能力 ,尤其是降水预报准确率较高 ,近地面气温、风、相对湿度等要素预报质量好。所提供的预报产品客观、定时、定量、定点 ,预报产品丰富 ,且计算速度快 ,收到了满意的效果。
A operational system of real-time mesoscale numerical weather forecast is developed based on SJ-100 Cluster System of parallel computing. By acquiring the 48 hour forecast of T106 numerical weather simulation and surface and radiosonde observations,including sea surface temperature and local surface observations, the NCAR/PSU MM5 model is running over three nesting domains of 135, 45 and 15 km grid length. The quasi-operational experiment has been conducted since January 2001 with 12 hour FDDA prior to the initial time on a cluster composed by 8 Intel PⅢ-800 CPU. The system displays considerable capability for regional short range weather forecast of precipitation, temperature, wind, moisture at the surface layer. The forecast productions consist of various weather elements and phenomena with quantitative analyses, timing and locations and are displayed in the form of graphics, table and text.
Meteorological Monthly