一个完善的商业企业决策支持系统不仅要能够将经营者从繁杂的商业信息整理分析中解脱出来 ,同时也要更准确有效的为其经营管理决策提供全面、科学的支持。从商业企业经营活动特有的商品流通进销存三个环节着眼 ,为构建商业企业决策支持系统提供了一种可行的解决方法。
A completely CDSS(Decision Support System for Commercial corporation)can not only break the operators away from the confusing collecting and analysis of the commercial information,also provide a fully and scientific support for the decision and management of business.In the view of the three nodes-purchase,storage and sale-on the chain of the business,this paper provides a viable solution method.
Northern Economy and Trade