在市场开放、整个银行体系逐步建立现代银行制度的过程中 ,银行作为企业 ,同样会有个别银行的破产与倒闭的可能性存在。存款保险立足于保护存款人利益 ,作者在对国家信用担保和存款保险作利弊分析比较的基础上 ,借鉴国际经验对中国存款保险制度的构建提出相应的建议。
When the bank system is on the way of the establishment of the modern one and the market opening,bank serves as enterprise,it's not impossible for the bank to get out of bankruptcy.On behave of the interest of depositor,this article involves,on the basis of the analysis of national credit assurance and deposit insurance as well as the quotation of some international practices,some practical practices,some practical proposals to the structure-building of the national deposit insurance system of China.
Northern Economy and Trade