The statistical analyses on fertility, growth and development between the heterozygous Landrace of 13/17 translocation and the non - translocation Landrace on the same farm were made by means of computer. As compared with the non - translocation boars and sows, there were no significant differences in the litter size, litter weight at 1 day and 20 days of age, litter weight and llitter size at weaning (P>0.05), which bred by either purebreeding or crossbreeding. Among the progenies of the boars carrying 13/17 translocation, the weights of the translocation carrier piglet at 20 days of age(5. 92±0. 85 kg) and at weaning (15. 70±3. 55) were all heavier than those of the non-translocation piglet (5. 88±1. 14 and 14. 89±3. 20 kg respectively), but it has no significant difference statistically. In addition, the withers height of boars carrying the translocation at 6 monthes of age was significantly higher than that of non -translocation boars at the same age (66. 75±0. 35 cm v. 57. 5±2. 12 cm; P<0. 05). It seems that there are, at least (if not at all) in such a case, no adverse effects but some advantages of translocation to the growth and development of the piglets with this chromsomal abnormality. The paper has also proposed some breeding measures of domestic animals with chromsome translocation.
chromsome translocation
phenotypic effects
growth and de-velopment