介绍了沈阳市历史上洪灾情况及解放后城市防洪建设情况。目前沈阳市北岸大堤已达到 300年一遇防洪标准。今后在防洪对策上要按防洪规划标准修筑大堤;解除建筑物隐患;搞好城市防汛;加强防汛非工程措施建设;当发生超标准洪水时,采取抗洪措施,确保沈阳市区安全。
The flood disaster instances in history and the urban flood control status after liberation in Shengyang city are introduced in this paper. At present, the flood control standard of the north levee in the city has reached 300-year event. For the future, it can be to construct the levee according to the standard of flood control planning, to eliminate the hidden troubles of the structures, to reinforce the nonstructural measure constructions in the flood control countermeasure. If it should occur the flood over 300-year event, the fight the flood measurements would be adopted to insure the safety of the downtown Shengyang.
Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China