
空间位置冲突信息诱发的事件相关电位 被引量:9

The event-related potentials elicited by spatial location conflict in human brain
摘要 目的使用事件相关电位技术,探讨人脑处理空间位置信息冲突的工作机制。方法采用美国Neuroscan脑电诱发电位工作站,对16例健康受试者做刺激匹配的事件相关电位研究,要求受试者判断前后两个刺激的空间位置是否相同,并做出按键反应。结果当一对刺激的位置不同时,在第二个刺激出现后约270ms处从头皮可记录到一个明显的负波(N270),波幅以后头部最为明显。结论空间位置信息冲突可以诱发N270的产生。 Objective To explore the processing mechanism of human brain for spatial location c onflicts.Method Sixteen normal adults participated in the matching-to-sa mple task.They were asked to discrim inate if the position of the two visual stimulus presented in sequence were identical and event-related potential(ERP)was recorded from their scalp.Results A N270was evoked by the position conf licting stimulus pairs but not by the positio n matching pairs.N270was mainly dis tributed at posterior areas.Conclusion N270can be elicited by spatial location conflict.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第5期671-672,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
关键词 事件相关电位 空间位置冲突 N150 N270 负向慢波 event-related potential spatial l ocation conflict N150 N270 slow n egative wave
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