目的 了解玻璃体手术巩膜穿刺孔嵌顿的眼内组织是否表达了与血管生成相关的生长因子及其受体。 方法 在玻璃体手术中 ,共取 10例从巩膜穿刺孔脱出的眼内组织。冰冻切片 ,用免疫组织化学方法检查血管内皮生长因子 (vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)、碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,b FGF)、血小板源性生长因子 - A(platelet- derived growth factor- A,PDGF- A)、转化生长因子 - β1 (transforming growth factor,TGF- β1 )及其受体。 结果 脱出的眼内组织包括 :视网膜和玻璃体组织各 3例、变性的红细胞 2例 ,睫状体和纤维组织各 1例。VEGF和 b FGF及其受体在所有标本均为阳性 ,PDGF- A、TGF- β1 及其受体仅在大部分标本阳性。阳性染色包括了视网膜的细胞、睫状体色素细胞和非色素细胞、纤维细胞和部分玻璃体内的细胞。 结论 嵌顿在巩膜穿刺孔的眼内组织表达了与血管生成相关的生长因子及其受体 。
Objective To determine the expression of the growth factors and the receptors related to angiogenesis in the intraocular tissues incarcerating in the sclerotomy sites. Methods Ten specimens from prolapsing intraocular tissues in sclerotomy sites during vitrectomy were obtained and serially sectioned in cryostate and were stained with a group of polyclonal antibodies against vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), platelet derived growth factor A(PDGF A) and transforming growth factor β 1(TGF β 1) as well as their receptors by using a streptavidin peroxidase system. Results The tissues prolapsed from the sclerotomy sites were identified as retina(3 cases), vitreous tissues(3 cases), degenerated red blood cell components(2 cases), ciliary body(one case) and fibrous tissue(one case). All specimens expressed VEGF and bFGF as well as their receptors. PDGF A, TGF β1 and their receptors expressed in the most of specimens. The positive cells included retinal cells, ciliary non pigmented epithelial cells and pigmented epithelial cells, fibrous cells and the cells in vitreous. Conclusions The intraocular tissues incarcerated in the sclerotomy entries express the growth factors and receptors related to angiogenesis. This might be one of the potential factors of developing anterior proliferative vitreoretinopathy.
Chinese Journal of Ocular Fundus Diseases