近些年来向量值测度的 Radon—Nikodym 性质在 Banach 空间理论的研究中得到了广泛的应用,获得了不少结果。本文主要讨论了 Banach 空间的高次对偶空间中的 Radon-Nikodym性质,并给出了著名的 Rosenthal 问题一个部分解答。本文总假定 X 是 Banach 空间,X~*,X^(**)和 X^(n)分别表示 X 的一次、二次和 n 次对偶空间。
In this paper,we consider Radon-Nikodym property for higher order con-jugate Banach spaces.It is shown that X~*,X^(**),…,X^(n) have Radon-Nikodymproperty if and ooly if for every separable subspace Y of X,Y^(n) is separr-ble.This extends the classical theorem of Dunford-Pett is and Uhl.It is alsoshown that X^(n) has Radon-Nikodym property if and only if there exists asubspace Y of X such that both Y^(n) and (X/Y)^(n) have Radon-Nikodym pro-perty.In addition,the partical answers to outstanding Rosenthal problem areobtained.
Journal of Mathematics