诗性蕴涵着民族丰富的文化内涵,同时跟我们哲思的背景有千丝万缕的 联系。文论的逻辑起点正是由此展开,不论是“诗化”、世俗化,还是诗的神性化,都是一 种对感性的经验的依赖,这导致诗性的泛化和诗化的文论意识的蔓延。我们的文论虽然逐渐 观念化、抽象化,也构成了诗性的批评系统。但这种话语一旦定型、成熟之后,文论的意象 的丰富性和创造性就会受阻。同时,面对西方的话语的大量的浸入,却有一种“失语”的迷 茫。文论的现代话语的建立,必须正视这个现实,并进行一种深刻的理论反思和学理的梳理 。
Poetic inspiration covers lots of cultural connotations of a people with innumerable ties with philosophic backgrounds. This is the logical begi nning of the literature criticism whatever it might be depends on perceptual exp eriences, which leads to the generalization of poetic inspiration and the extend ing of literature criticism. Our literature criticism gradually becomes conceptu al and abstract with a system of criticism. Once it is formed and mature, the im age of literature criticism may be blocked in its abundance and creation. So we need to face the rushingin in the construction of modern version with a severe introspection and combing of literary construction of theories.
Journal of Liuzhou Teachers College