目的 :探讨雷公藤红素对狼疮性肾炎肾小球硬化防治效果。方法 :采用国际公认的 SLE模型 -BWF1小鼠作为狼疮性肾炎肾小球硬化的研究对象。在给予雷公藤红素前后用考马斯亮兰法检测实验小鼠2 4小时尿蛋白含量 ;结果 :无论在蛋白尿发生前或发生后 ,使用雷公藤红素均能减少 BWF1小鼠的尿蛋白。结论 :雷公藤红素可在一定程度上减轻 BWF1小鼠的病理学改变 ,缓解免疫学损伤的程度 ,对狼疮性肾炎具有一定治疗效果。
To inversigate the preventive effect of Tripterine on glomerulosclerosis. Methods: BWF 1 mice are the model of spontaneous systemic lupus erythematosus which mostly assembly human sle. Different doses of Tripterine was used to treat BWF 1 mice at different stage. 24 hour urnie protein excretion was analyzed to study the preventive effect of Tripterine on LN glomerulosclerosis and its mechanisms. Results: Tripterine could greatly reduce the amount of urine protein excretion. Comclusiong: Tripterine could ameliorate clinical symptoms of BWF 1 mice ,improve the mice survial rate, and have definite protectvied effects on lupus nephritis glomerulosclerosis.
Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Medicine