
医院药师工作满意度调查及相关性分析 被引量:6

Investigation on Hospital Pharmacists' Job Satisfaction and Correlation Analysis
摘要 目的:研究医院药师对所从事工作的主观满意度,并就药师工作总满意度与其它内在和外部影响因素之间的关系进行相关性分析。方法:向1000名药师寄发调查问卷,被调查者自行答卷,对回收的398份有效问卷进行数据处理和统计分析。结果:本次调查的药师总工作满意度均值为39.24±6.99(满分为55)。相关性分析表明,各单项因素与总满意度均呈中度或低度相关(0.3≤|r_s|<0.5)。结论:被调查药师对目前的职业比较满意,从事业务技术含量较高的专业药师的工作满意度普通高于从事传统业务的药师。药师对本职工作的总满意度是多种因素综合作用的结果。 Objective: To study on the subjective satisfaction of their jobs in hospital pharmacists of China, and to analyze the relationship between general job satisfaction and other inherent and external affecting factors. Methods:Questionnaires, which contain 4 sections and 53 itmes, were mailed to 1000 hospital pharmacists. The 398 usable returned questionnaires were statistically analyzed. Results; The mean score of the job satisfaction of pharmacists was 39. 24 ± 6. 99(55 in all)in the investigation. Of the 11 items, which were considered work on a pharmacist' s job satisfaction, 5 had moderate correlation( rs >0.5 ) and others had lower correlation (rs<0.5). Conclusion: Pharmacists were more satisfactory to their present profession. Specialized pharmacists indicated greater satisfaction than the pharmacists engaged in traditional pharmacy practice. The pharmacist's job satisfaction was the comprehensive result caused by a variety of factors.
作者 魏水易 高越
出处 《中国药师》 CAS 2002年第3期159-162,共4页 China Pharmacist
关键词 医院药师 相关性分析 工作满意度 外部影响因素 Hospital pharmacist Correlation analysis
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