目的探讨应用腺苷蛋氨酸治疗药物性肝损伤的疗效以及还原型谷胱甘肽对判断疗效的意义。方法 :应用腺苷蛋氨酸对 14例因各种药物引起的肝损害给予治疗 ,连续静脉给药 80 0mg/d ,连用 3周。动态观察治疗前后临床表现和各项肝功能指标及GSH水平变化情况。结果 :治疗后精神、睡眠、食欲好转 ,乏力减轻 ,肝功能指标明显下降 ,GSH水平从治疗前的 (6 .2 1± 0 .89)mmol/L升至 (7.4 0± 0 .6 1)mmol/L。结论 :腺苷蛋氨酸对治疗药物性肝损害有明显疗效 ,能明显改善肝功能和抗氧化作用。检测血清GSH水平变化情况对判断肝损害的疗效有重要意义。
Objective:To study the effects of Ademetionine on treatment for patients with drug liver lesion and its glutathione (GSH) and liver function. Method:Fourteen patients were given ademetionine at a dose of 800mg per day vein injection for 10~17d.Results:After the treatment,the subjective status of patients were improved.The level of LAT,AST,AKP and TBIL decreased to normal.The level of GSH increased from 6.21±0.89mmol/L to 7.40±0.61mmol/L.Conclusions:Ademetionine can decrease the level of ALT,AST,AKP and TBIL and help the patients with drug liver lesion recover.It is important to detect the GSH level in the treatment for drug liver lesion.
China Journal of Modern Medicine