本文通过对怀化市鹤城区常规酸雨监测数据分析,针对怀化市区特有的山区地形特征,初步得出怀化市区酸雨时空分布特征、酸雨形成原 因及降水酸度、酸雨率季节性变化规律,并对此提出一些减少山区环境酸雨污染的合理化建议。
Based on the unique mountainous topography of urba n Huaihua,the article analyses monitoring data of acid precipication co llected over the Hechen District,Huaihua,and comes up with initial results a bout spatial and temporal distribution,causing factors,acidity and seasona l variation of acid precipitation in Huaihua.Suitable suggestions are put forward on how to reduce the pollution of acid precipitation in mountainous areas.
Sichuan Environment