目的 :探讨带膜金属支架结合胸腔闭式引流术治疗癌性食管胸膜瘘 ,提高晚期食管癌患者的生活质量 ,延长生存时间的问题。方法 :对近 3年 14例癌性食管胸膜瘘病例内支架结合胸腔闭式引流术 ,进行回顾性分析。结果 :14例患者中 ,穿刺未成功 1例 ,支架滑脱嵌入食管气管瘘口 1例。 12例瘘口封住 ,症状消失 ,恢复正常进食。结论 :胸腔闭式引流术结合X线透视下食管腔内置入带膜金属支架是癌性食管气管瘘病人的一种很好的姑息性治疗手段。
Objective:To evaluate the treatment of cancerous esophagealpleural fistula using coated metallic stent and water-seal drainage.Methods:Analysis 14 cases of cancerous esophagealpleural fistula in the past three years were analysed retrospectively.Results:Stent placement was successful in 12 out of 14 cases.The fistula was sealed,the symptoms of obstruction were relieved and all the 12 patients could take normal diet after the operations.Conclusion:Stenting under fluoroscopic together with water-seal drainage is an effective palliative treatment for patients suffering from cancerous esophagealpleural fistula.