目的 :从细胞免疫、体液免疫及分子免疫方面 ,研究探讨白术汤对类风湿性关节炎的免疫调节作用 ,阐明白术汤治疗类风湿性关节炎的作用机理。方法 :将患者分为治疗组、对照组以及正常对照组 ,分别于治疗前后检测各组 IL-1、TNF-α、Ig G、Ig A、Ig M、RF、CD3 +、CD4+、CD8+、CD4+/ CD8+等指标 ,同时进行组间对照和治疗前后对照分析。结果 :白术汤能显著降低血清内升高的 TNF-α,对 IL -1影响不显著 ,能显著提高血清内 CD8+的含量 ,降低血清 Ig G、Ig A、Ig M的含量 ,降低 RF的阳性率 ,结论 :白术汤能纠正免疫失调 ,抑制体液免疫反应 ,减轻其对关节、滑膜的破坏 ,清除抗原、抑制抗体的产生 ,减少免疫复合物的形成 ,调节免疫系统失衡而发挥临床疗效。
Objective: To study BaiShu Tang affected the immune function in cellular, humoral and molecular immunity in Rheumatoid Arthritis and indicated its immune mechanism.Methods:40 cases were divided into experimental group,control group and 15 cases as normol group.IL-1, TNF-α, IgG, IgA, IgM, RF, CD 3 +, CD 4 +, CD 8 +, CD 4 +/CD 8 + were determined respectively in all cases to analyse the results of different groups and the same group in pre and post experiment. Results:In experimental Group,higher TNF-α declined obviously, IL-1 had no significance,CD 8 + elevated obviously, CD 4 +/CD 8 + was adjusted,IgG, IgA, IgM declined.Conclution:In Rheumatoid Arthritis, dysimmunity were adjusted, humoral immunity were inhibited, destruction of arthritis and synovialis were reduced, antigens were cleared, antibodies were inhibited, the forms of immune-complex were less, then the clinical results were excellent.
Chinese Journal of Traditional Medical Traumatology & Orthopedics