目的 探讨肾阳虚与变应性鼻炎发生的关系。方法 利用糖皮质激素和卵清蛋白为豚鼠建立肾阳虚变应性鼻炎病证复合模型,通过动物的症状,鼻腔分泌物及粘膜嗜酸粒细胞和肥大细胞计数,PCA试验,血浆cAMP、cGMP、cAMP/cGMP,检测及观察温肾药的拮抗作用,对该模型进行评价。结果 肾阳虚状态下豚鼠对致敏原的应答反应较对照组强烈,出现了鼻痒、喷嚏、流涕的症状,以鼻流清涕的症状最为突出,温肾药物对这一症状有明显的拮抗作用,且局部症状的严重程度与全身阳虚程度相一致。结果 以上结果为进一步探讨肾阳虚与变应性鼻炎的相关性提供了新的实验资料。
Objective To investigate the relationship between Kidney Yang deficiency and the occurrence of allergic rhinitis(AR). Methods The animal model of kidney yang deficiency was prepared by using glucocorticoids, combined simultaneously with ovoalbumin injecting intraperitoneally as allergen to prepare a mixed model of AR, with Kidney Yang deficiency, in guinea pigs. Results Animals in experimental group showed typical symptoms of AR like itching in nose, paroxysmal sneezing and much watery nasal secretion, when provoked with allergen. The diagnosis of AR was confirmed by testing EQS and MC in nasal secretion and mucosa, and IgE in serum among them. Meanwhile, the severity of lesion was parallel to the degree of Kidney Yang deficiency among the modeling animals. In contrast, the condition of these animals was significantly relieved when they received a therapy of Kidney-warming. Conclusion It can be concluded that there is a close relationship between Kidney Yang deficiency and the occurrence of AR. It is worthy to be studied in detail further.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine