目的 总结半侧巨脑症合并顽固性癫痫病人行大脑半球切除术治疗的临床效果。方法 经MRI检查确诊 10例半侧巨脑症病人 ,伴有顽固性癫痫 ,头颅增大不对称 ,颅腔扩大 ,偏瘫 ,不同程度的精神运动发育迟缓 ,都是一侧大脑半球损害。行病侧大脑半球切除术。结果 7例癫痫发作完全控制 (70 % ) ,3例基本控制 (30 % )。精神运动症状 ,语言 ,肢体运动及行为均有较明显改善。结论 大脑半球切除术治疗半侧巨脑症合并顽固性癫痫 ,可以解除患者的癫痫发作及长期药物依赖 ,改善脑的功能 。
Objective To report the outcomes of the 10 hemispherectomies for hemimegalencephaly with intractable epilepsy.Methods Observed 10 patients who underwent hemispherectomy for hemimegalencephaly.All patients had intractable epilepsy,macrocrania,hemiparesis and psychomotor retardation of variable degress,diagnosed by MRI,evaluate the surgical outcome.Results Seven patients (70%) have been totally free of seizures since surgery,three patients (30%) almost seizure free.The psychomotor development,language,movement and behavior improvement were noted after operations.Conclusions Hemispherectomy can be a valuable procedure for relieving the burden of seizures,the burden of medication and the general disfunction in patients with hemimegalencephaly were improved.
Chinese Journal of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery