湖南省郴州市在经济发展中具备资源丰富 ,邻近发达的珠江三角洲地区 ,区位优越等众多有利条件 ,但同时也存在区内交通不便 ,经济基础薄弱等一些不利因素。为抓住所面临的大好机遇 ,作者提出了加快该区基础设施建设、软环境建设、重视科技、加强环境保护和发展旅游等 5项对策 ,并提出了该区经济发展可持续模式 ,即产业结构优化模式和点轴开发空间布局。
Chenzhou, Hunan Province, is rich in natural resources and has good location close to the developed Zhujiang Delta. But it also has some disadvantages such as inconvenient inner communication and weak economic base. To catch the great development opportunities, 5 countermeasures are put forward: accelerating the construction of the infrastructure, improving the soft environment for investment, circumstances, paying much attention to development of science and technology, reinforcing the protection of environment and developing tourism. And the optimization of industrial structure and an axis point distribution model of spatial development are also suggested.
Tropical Geography