塔城地区拥有丰富的自然景观资源和人文景观资源 ,尤其以边境购物、边境口岸、民族风情和自然风光旅游资源最为突出。文章在分析了塔城地区旅游资源的形成、分类、特点 ,旅游业可持续发展的内涵和要求的基础上 ,针对地区社会经济发展现状特征 ,对地区旅游业可持续发展提出科学规划、政府主导、争取口岸进一步开放、加大宣传力度、发展生态旅游等若干建议。
Tacheng prefecture is in the northwest part of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. It is an area of 104 500 km 2, and has five counties and two cities. There are rich tourism resources and has a strong appeal to both of the domestic and foreign tourists, and has a great potentiality for developing tourism. Because of its special location and low-level economics, the tourism of Tacheng prefecture is more lag than other prefectures of Xinjiang, even now many viewspots are in the dark. Therefore, it is an urgent tasks to investigate the tourism resources of Tacneng prefecture, and give it a correct evaluation so as to make a developing plan. Development of tourism resources in Tacheng prefecture will have a broad prospect. This article raises some suggestions on the rational development of tourism in Tacheng prefecture, and eco-tourism will be very important here.
Areal Research and Development