分析了1960~1990年长江上游梭磨河流域气候和地表覆被变化及其对流域水文的影响.30年来,流域降水有所增加,有林地面积1957~1974年大幅下降,以后有所回升.有林地每公顷蓄积量由1957年的423 m3下降到1998年的177m3,40年来林分质量不断下降.流域水文发生了明显的变化:年均流量自1972年以来不断上升,洪水频率、洪峰流量和土壤侵蚀模数明显增加.
The changes in hydrology of the Suomo River resulting from climate fluctuation and land cover changes during1960- 1990 were analyzed. During this period, Suomo basin experienced increases in annual precipitation, streamflowand floods. Annual precipitation increased with a rate of 0. 45 - 1. 71mm/a, while heavy rain events did not show signif-icant upward trends. In the dry season tempeture increased, in raining season temperature decreased. While annualmean ternperature changed little.During 1957 - 1974, forest coverage decreased and droped to 25% in 1974. After that, it began to rise and reached30% in 1985. The storage of forest decreased from 423m3/ha in 1957 to 177m3/ha in 1998. In the meantime, thehydrologjcal system changed obviously. Annual streamflow became increasingly great and upward trend was more signifi-cant than that of annual precipitation. In the 1970 's, annual runoff increased by 6. 5 % than that in the 1960' s. In the1980's annual runoff increased by 15% than that in the 1960's. In the 1970's and the 1980's, precipitation was19. 4mm and 39. 9mm more than that in the 1960' s. While runoff ind 37. 7mm in the 1970's and 87. 0mm in the1980' s. According to water balance equation, evapotranspiration decreased by 10% in the 1970's and 25 % in the 1980's respectively. The annual potential evaporation is 900mm in the basin, while real evapotranspiration is only about 200mmbased on water balance for many years.evapotranspiration resulting from temperature change is small,the main reason for evapotranspiration decreas is that rainfall interception and soil water storage decease which is relatedwith land cover change in the basin. Flood events became more often and serious during 1959 - 1999. Soil erosion in-creased greatly and its upward trend was most significant.
Scientia Geographica Sinica