从麦克斯韦第一、二方程出发 ,经过变量替换 ,将二维电磁问题线性化 ,得到不同测点、不同深度下关于导电率微小变化的线性方程组 ,用Gauss -Seidel迭代法求解 ,实现了整体对二维大地电磁数据的反演 .由于对各个测点下的数据同时反演 ,克服了以往用一维方法来反演二维问题时固有的缺点 .讨论了不同的初始模型对反演结果的影响 ,提出了一种简便实用的初始值的给定方法 .
Form first and second of Maxwell's equations and after uariable substitution, the TM problem become lenear. A inversion equations are obtained which integrate the different surface points and different frequencys influences with variable of small conductivity varcation. We use Gauss Seidel iteration method to solve the above inversion equations and the integrated invesion are realized. Because the integrated inversion method are used we over came the disadvantages in ousing 1D inversion method to sbstitute 2D inversion method. A series of model tests are given in the paper which includes the different noises and different initial models.
Progress in Geophysics
中国科学院重点项目 (KZ95 2 S1 411)资助