There are two commercial methods
of trimethylolpropane ( TMP ) production: Can-
nizzaro method and hydrogenation method. Raw ma-
terials are n-butyl aldehyde and formaldehyde. Al-
though the condition of hydrogenation method is more rigorous, one third of formaldehyde can be saved, and it is characterized by less by-product, low cost,
no 'three wastes' and simple extraction process.
Cannizzaro method is suitable only for batch produc-
tion in small scale. BASF and other foreign compa-
nies have already realized commercial production of
TMP by hydrogenation method, however, China still
adopts Cannizzaro method. In 2001, the world ca-
pacity of TMP was more than 0. 16 million tons. At
present, China's capacity of TMP is approximately 6000t/a, which can not meet market demand.
Fine and Specialty Chemicals