目前物流是世界各国经济发展的一个热点和新增长点 ,我国也开始日益重视物流产业的发展。本文作者在简述国内外物流产业发展背景的基础上 ,详细地探讨了国内外物流理论研究与物流业发展的水平和历史进程 ,分析了我国目前物流业发展的具体特点 (包括存在问题、发展现状和与国外的差距等方面 ) ,并同时从总体格局、东中西部差距、南北方差异、城乡差异和发展趋势等五个方面具体讨论了我国物流产业的布局现状和分布特征。最后针对我国物流业发展的特点和布局现状 ,提出了我国物流业进一步发展的具体措施与建议。
Now the logistic is becoming the economical developing focus and new increasing economical pole of the all countries in the world, China also began to adopt a series of the measures to accelerate the development of the logistics. Based on the ground of the discussion on the world logistics development, in this article, the author expounded the developing history of the logistics and the theory study of logistic in China and foreign countries, especially in the developed countries, including four logistic developing stages in the developed countries and three logistic developing stages in China. Moreover the author analyzed the developing characters of the logistics and logistic theory study in China, including the exiting problems, the lag of theory study, developing situation, the disparity between China and the developed countries and so on. Then the author took the discussion of the situation and characters about the Chinese logistics distribution as the discussing stress, including: ① the distribution situation of the Chinese logistics, ② the disparity of the logistics development among the three districts (including the east district, the middle district and the west district), ③ the disparity of the logistics development between the North and the South in China, ④ the disparity of the logistics development between the urban region and rural region, ⑤ the developing trend of the logistics in the future. In the final, in order to solve the exiting problems and accelerate the Chinese logistics development, the author put forward a series of the measures and advices to develop the Chinese logistics and distribute Chinese logistics, including the further study of the logistic theory, establishing the modernization of the logistics, developing the international corporation.
Progress in Geography
the logistics
developing character
distribution character
the measures