对于发展中国家 ,尤其是亚洲国家 ,与西方发达国家相比 ,重组电力工业存在着许多重要的不同。这些差别主要表现在以下几个方面 :是否需要建立国家输电网 ,政府在处理该国民经济关键部门问题时扮演的角色 ,以及这些国家电力市场模式。并且 ,改革前原有组织结构差别也很大 ,必然影响改革方案选择。对上述部分观点进行了讨论 ,并重点讨论了输电系统结构和发电侧改革的管理问题。同时针对所有权、管理、组织结构和电力市场要素及民营等问题 ,提出了一个可供选择的方案。最后建议国内须建立全国性的电力市场机构———国家输电实体NTA。
Compared with the west developed countries,the issues facing the reconstruction of the electricity supply industry in developing countries,especially in Asia,are different in many important factors.The main differences are the necessity of establishing a national grid, the role of government in dealing with the important sectors of national economy and the power market mode for these countries.The inherited pre reform organizations are also very different that impacts on the feasible post reform options.Several issues above mentioned are discussed, and the transmission system organization and the management in DRESI are emphasized.An optional scheme is proposed regarding to the ownership,management, organization,and power market factors,private participation and so on.It is suggested to construct NTA in China.
Electric Power Automation Equipment