驱动信号迭代算法是道路模拟算法的核心内容 ,为了消除非线性的影响 ,采用频域迭代的方法逐步修正驱动信号 ,使系统的响应逼近于期望响应信号。给出了详细的驱动信号频域迭代算法 ,讨论了在迭代过程需要解决的两个重要问题 ,即判断迭代是否收敛和多段信号之间的连接。给出了迭代算法的程序流程图和利用此算法进行的道路模拟结果曲线。试验结果表明 ,利用迭代算法可以成功地进行道路模拟试验 。
Iteration algorithm is the hard core of a vehicle road simulation algorithm and is the main effort to develop a Chinese own road simulation testing system. In order to reduce the influence of non linearity, the frequency domain drive iteration method was adopted to modify drive signals to make system real response approach the expected signals. Two important questions that have to be resolved during the iteration were discussed. The first one is how to evaluate the convergency of the iteration and a weighted iteration error criterion is presented. The second is how to connect the segmented signals and the adjacent segments are overlapped and connected at the middle point to obtain smooth connection. The detailed algorithm and the flowchart were given. Finally a road simulation test was carried out and the result proved that vehicle road simulation test could be conducted using this algorithm and the convergence speed and simulation accuracy met the requirement.
Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery