从出土的大熊猫化石看 ,大熊猫最早产生于地质时代第三纪的上新世后期 .到第四纪的更新世和全新世 ,大熊猫的数量经历了一个由少到多 ,再到少的发展过程 .其体型发展也经历了由小到大 ,再到小的演变过程 .出土大熊猫化石的地域 ,主要在今长江流域及其以南各省 ,黄河流域虽有出土 ,但数量很少 .从古文献看 ,最早记载大熊猫的书是成书于商代的《尚书·牧誓》 .记载大熊猫最早出现于黄帝时代的书 ,是西汉时司马迁的《史记·五帝本纪》 .大熊猫在文献里有多种名称 .越过先秦 ,直到两汉、魏晋的 6 0 0多年时间里 ,在今长江沿岸的大部分省和黄河流域的陕、晋、豫、冀等少部分省以及东北各省 ,甚至朝鲜北部 ,仍有大熊猫生存 .经过南北朝到民国年间的 16 0 0多年的日益衰减 ,到今天大熊猫仅仅分布在川、陕、甘三省接壤的少数县里 ,其数量仅存几千只 ,已经沦为濒危动物 .究其主观原因是 ,大熊猫自身存在种种弱点 ,而客观原因是第四纪冰川期的影响和人类对其生存环境的开发 ,特别是人类任意捕猎大熊猫 。
According to the unearthed fossils, the giant panda appeared primarily in the later stage of Pliocene Epoch in the Tertiary Period. In the Pleistocence Epoch and Recent Epoch of Quaternary Period, the number of panda has changed from small to large, and then from large to small. The body has also changed from small to large and then from large to small. The zones where the fossils of the panda were unearthed are mainly in the Yangzhi River valley and the provinces in its southen part. There are some unearthed in the Yellow River valley, but the number is quite small. According to the ancient historical documents, the earliest book that recorded the panda is the book 《Collection of Ancient Texts·(牧 誓)》which was finished in the Shang Dynasty. This was recorded by the book《Historical Records》written by Sima Qian in the Western Han Dynasty. The giant panda was named differently in ancient historical documents. From the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period to the two Han Dynasties, the Wei Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, during the six hundred years, there still existed some pandas in many provinces in the Yangzhi River valley and in small parts of Shanxi province, Shanxi province, Henan province and Hebei province and so on in the Yellow River valley, esp the north-east part of China, even the north part of Korea. From the Southern and Northern Dynasty to the Republic of China, after the decline in number during these one thousand and six hundred years, the giant panda now lives in a few counties in the borders of Sichuan, Shanxi and Gansu provinces only. Its number is only few thousands and is endangered. The subjective cause is the weakness of itself and the objective causes are the effect of the Glacial Epoch in Quaternary Period and people's exploitation of its living environment, esp.people's willful catching and killing and so on.
Journal of Sichuan Teachers College(Natural Science)
fossil of the giant panda
the Pleistocence Epoch
the Glacial Epoch in the Quaternary Period
ancient historical document
living environment