目的 :观察脑干听觉诱发电位 (BAEP)对听神经瘤的诊断价值。方法 :对 2 0例疑诊为听神经瘤的患者 ,进行BAEP、CT或MRI影像学检查。结果 :2 0例患者BAEP检查均异常 ,阳性率为 10 0 % ,其中 17例经CT检查为听神经瘤 ,3例经MRI检查 ,后均经手术证实为听神经瘤。结论 :BAEP检查是早期观察听神经瘤对听觉通路损害较敏感的方法 ,并对其病损部位能进行初步定位。
Objective:To investigate the early diagnostic value of BAEP in acoustic neurinoma.Methods:BAEP and CT and MRI were done in 20 patients with doubtful acoustic neurinoma.Results:The BAEPs of 20 patients were all abnormal,the abnormality rate was 100%.Acoustic neurinoma was confirmed by CT in 17 of the patients,by MRI in 3 ones,and surgery in all.Conclusion:BAEP might be a sensitive method in observing the damages of acoustic neurinoma to the auditory pathway.It could make a primary level diagnosis in the pathologic changes of the auditory pathway.
Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology