鲁迅、沈从文都是为中兴民族而注目于传统文化的渊薮———地方民族的民风乡俗 ,一个批判民族文化的劣根性 ,一个却在寻民族文化的根 ,赞美自然的人性传统美德 ;一个为乡土小说奠基 ,一个使乡土小说分流 ,都超逸出了乡土小说的普遍特征。
To resuscitate the nation,Luxun,Sheng Congwen both paid attention to the origin of traditional culture--vernacular customs.One criticized the deep-rooted bad customs of the national culture,the other searched for the roots of the national culture and praised the virtues of the people;One laid a foundation for vernacular fiction,the other led vernacular fiction to different directions,surpassing the common features of vernacular fiction.
Journal of Loudi Teachers College