血斑小叶蝉在我省中南部 1 a发生 5代 ,卵在幼树树干、枝条表皮下越冬 ,翌年 5月上旬开始孵化 ,5月下旬可见成虫 ;6月上旬第 2代若虫出现 ,6月中旬羽化为成虫 ;6月下旬可见第 3代若虫 ,7月上旬可见第 3代成虫 ;7月中下旬可发现第 4代若虫 ;高温多雨季节 ,8月中旬偶见第 5代若虫 .若虫历期 1 5~ 30 d不等 ,9月中旬成虫产越冬卵 .化学防治以 5 0 %甲胺磷乳油 30 0 0倍液防治效果为佳 ,4 8h的虫口减退率达1 0 0 % .防治始期在 1代若虫盛发期 ( 5月中下旬 ) .
Erythroneura mori has 5 generations per year in middle part and south of Hebei province,and overwinters as egg under trunk and bark of young tree.Egg hatching begins in the first ten days of May of the next year.The adults appear in the last ten days of May.The second nymphal generation and eclosion to adults appear in the first ten days and the middle ten days of June respectively.The third nymphal-,the third adult-,and the forth nymphal-generation appear in the last ten days of June,the first ten days of July,and the middle or last ten days of July separately.In high temperature and rainy season,the fifth nymphal generation appears occasionally in the middle ten days of August.The duration of nymphal is about 15~30d.In the middle ten days of September,the adult oviposits overwintering eggs.The best controlling method is the chemical control with methamidophos(50%)at the dilution of 3000 times.After application,the decrease rate of Erythroneura mori reaches 100% in 24h.The controlling time begins on the explosion of the first nymphal generation.
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science